“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”
Random Acts of Kindness Day is an unofficial holiday celebrated each year on February 17. The purpose of this special day is to encourage people to be kind to each other, especially those who are unsuspecting. Galatians 6: 9-10 encourages us to "not grow weary of doing (good things), for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as often as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those in the household of faith". The philosophy behind Random Acts of Kindness Day is Altruism, the selfless concern for the welfare of others. A traditional virtue and a core aspect of many religions, altruism is basically the opposite of selfishness. Altruism concentrates on the desire to do good or help others without reward. Although the key to altruistic behavior is not being concerned with reward, doing good does have its benefits. Those who perform random acts of kindness often find that doing so reduces the stress and boosts their self-esteem, leading to better physical and emotional health. As you perform random acts of kindness for others, you will likely find that some people wish to return the favor. Instead of accepting their offer, ask them to "pay it forward" instead. The phrase "pay it forward" refers to the idea of requesting that a kindness be repaid by having it don't to others instead. In this small, simple way, you can encourage others to keep the kindness flowing!
Sometimes it is not our desire to bless others that is challenged, it's our time. We understand that the demands of our daily lives sometimes interfere with our desire to help others. For this cause, House of God Worship Center has established a fund for this special day, and we want to be your arms and legs in the community!! All you have to do is make the contribution, and we will bless others on YOUR behalf!! It's that simple... Food for the homeless, Free Gas at the pump, Snacks at the Gas Station you name it, and we will make it happen. Remember, through your gift you would not just be making a donation, you are making a difference. Donate today!
Sometimes it is not our desire to bless others that is challenged, it's our time. We understand that the demands of our daily lives sometimes interfere with our desire to help others. For this cause, House of God Worship Center has established a fund for this special day, and we want to be your arms and legs in the community!! All you have to do is make the contribution, and we will bless others on YOUR behalf!! It's that simple... Food for the homeless, Free Gas at the pump, Snacks at the Gas Station you name it, and we will make it happen. Remember, through your gift you would not just be making a donation, you are making a difference. Donate today!